Live Shot Montage

This brief montage of clips from live shots at WCPO-TV in Cincinnati shows the variety of reporting situations John worked while covering stories at a station that thrived on live breaking news.

Boone Bones

In this story for WCPO, a construction crew unearthed human remains in Boone County, Ky., and police had to determine if they had a murder mystery or an archaeological find on their hands.

Queen City Barrel Fire

When the Queen City Barrel Company caught fire, WCPO suspended regular programming to cover it live. John's live recap at 11 p.m. summed up the coverage.

Bee House

If bees set up house in your home, they do so in large numbers. The man who removes them gives the home's human residents a lesson about bees as he works.

Breaking News Live

Having few details when you go on live can have the perverse effect of making the live shot appear more urgent and timely. WCPO's mangagement heaped praise on this one.

Moving Wall

Long before the Iraq invasion became unpopular, some people questioned our foresight going into it in this story John reported for WCPO back in 2003.

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