MRI for Depression

A story John reported, shot and edited about Story about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for WWSB-TV in Sarasota, Florida.

Bionic Brace

A Sarasota man becomes the first to test a brace that uses the technology in prosthetic limbs to help people who still have their legs, but don't work well.

The Good Germs

A story about the human microbiome, the trillions of germs that all of us carry, and the good they do us.

Stem Cell Dog

A Bernese Mountain Dog serves as perhaps the world's largest guinea pig to test a promising stem cell treatment.

AIDS Cure Hope

A man's apparent cure of AIDS offers insight into new treatment possibilities of one of the world's most feared diseases.

Diagnostic Cat

A Tampa man gets help monitoring his blood sugar thanks to his cat. A story for an animal news website that John shot and edited with his own gear.

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