John McQuiston has conducted seminars, done individual coaching, and tape critiques for more than a decade. Colleges across the country have used John's tutorial A Reporter's Guide to the Art of Television Storytelling as a teaching tool. People whose work John has critiqued have told him that his feedback helped them sharpen their skills, improve their demo reels and find new jobs.


  • We'll look at how well you communicate through the camera and suggest ways to improve your performance.
  • You'll see how your movements, mannerisms and voice affect how well you connect and communicate with viewers.
  • We'll discuss how to overcome any obstacles preventing you from establishing command on the set and communicating effectively on camera.


  • We examine aspects of your storytelling including story structure, writing, pacing, content and story focus.
  • We'll discuss how to make your story interesting to someone who ordinarily wouldn't care about its subject.
  • You'll get ideas on improving your voice and on-camera delivery, making your standups stronger and doing more lively live shots.


  • We look at how you can focus your attention when you have divided duties in front of and behind the camera.
  • You'll learn how to write differently for broadcast and the web.
  • You'll see how to use all the tools available to you — including your phone — to tell stories for different platforms, and on deadline.
Contact John to arrange a seminar or coaching session.